“Karma Sutras” PDF Free Download

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Books Title: “Karma Sutras” PDF Free Download

“Karma Sutras” is a spiritual book that revolves around karma. This book was originally published in 2021 by “SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd”. It has total 132 pages. By genre it belongs to the category of spiritual book.

Books Author: “Sadhguru”

“Sadhguru” is a founder of Isha Foundation. He was born in Sep 3, 1957. His most popular books are “Himalayan Lust”, “Mystic’s Musings” and “Emotion and Relationships”.

Introduction of “Karma Sutras”

The book “Karma Sutras” is driven by “Sadhguru”. It is a prominent spiritual philosophy. Basically, this book revolves around karma. It closely looks that how can it affect on our lives. This is an ancient guide book but still important today. It teaches us about what can we do, what will be its aftershocks and why we do it. The author “Sadhguru” defines this guide book in a simple but detailed manner. Overall, this book assists the readers to know about how can we fit into the world.


“Karma Sutras” circles around karma. The author of this book talks about what is karma and what are its fundamental functions. It defines our decisions and their impacts on lives. It also talks about what can be happen with us in future. On this way, the author tells us about why we do several activities, what will be their effects and what comes next. He includes various sort of real stories and simple ideas. These all things can assist the readers to understand it in a better manner. This guide teaches us how we can live a better live and how we can grow as a better human.

This book begins with the things and activities we do not perform them. It tells us about the importance of various things that are to mean to what we do. This book teaches us about how our decisions and unfortunate happenings can affect our lives. It teaches us that we can’t predict the up-coming situations of life but on the other side we are a big part of it. We as a human can shape our feature through different decisions, we make every day.

However, this book talks about our responsibilities. It states that we have to aware of our whole decisions and their impacts on our lives due to karma. On the other side, it does not matter either we are aware or not but our decisions and actions still have an effect. The author states that our single action is connected to others and it has a huge impact.

He says that our reason to doing things are too much important. He defines an example of a judge deciding a person’s fate just to show how karma can works in various situations. He also says that our whole actions should be natural and fair.

The author also explains the power of karma that how karma can change ourself and how powerful it is. He defines that every experience we have is because of karma and its implications. Karma gives us various chances that we can think about ourselves and our lives in an accurate manner. By being more aware of what we can do and how we can do then we break the whole karma cycle and we can connect a greater purpose in live.

Writing Style of “Karma Sutras”

“Sadhguru” adopts a comprehensive writing style in his book “Karma Sutras” which is easy to access and understand. He explains various in-depth themes such as love, life and relationship in a broad way that can persuade a huge number of readers worldwide. He defines several dimensions of human existence that can help the readers to understand the life in an accurate manner.

“Sadhguru” avoids complex vocabularies and overwhelming idioms, aimed to convey his core ideas and messages in an easy way. He also encourages the reader to think critically and allow them to come up with their own views about the future of this book. “Sadhguru” uses simple and concise words to balance the pace and tone of plotlines.

Major Recognitions

 The book “Karma Sutras” had awarded mostly positive comments and reviews from its readers and critics alike. This book has been praised for its concepts of karma and its influence on our lives. It has been also awarded for its spiritual guidelines and tools for personal transformation and growth.

While many of readers praised its detailed explanation of complex concepts. This book has been translated into different other languages worldwide while it also has been sold over millions of copies since its publication. This book got 4.5 out of 5 stars from Amazon and Goodreads.

Conclusion of “Karma Sutras”

“Karma Sutras” is more like a friendly book that help us to understand ourselves and the world in a better way. It explains all the positive impacts of karma in a broad way. In this book the author states that karma gives a chance to become a better human and grow spiritually. As every human being is go through several ups and downs of life, on this way we have to learn more from karma sutras.

We have to live with purposes, responsibilities and kindness. So, we can become the best versions of ourselves in this world. This book is suitable for all young adults and mature readers. I recommended this book to all of them who wants to read spirituals books.