12 Years A Slave – PDF Free Download

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Books Title: “12 Years A Slave” PDF Free Download

“12 Years a Slave” is an outstanding biographical and historian novel. Its story is about a black man who is a carpenter and violins player. This book was oraginally published in 1853 by “Derby & Miller”. By genre it belongs to the catagory of “Biographical and Historian” novel book. It has total 304 pages.

Books Author: “Solomon Northup”

Solomon Northup was an American writer and born in 1808 in Minerva, New York. He was died on 1863

Introduction to “12 Years A Slave”

“12 Years a Slave” is authored by “Solomon Northup” and the story is moving around one of the young black man named as Northup who suddenly kidnaped by some of white men. He spends many years as a slave in a trouble and harsh situation and finally with the help of one of his friend, he come back to his home New York.

The author “Solomon Northup” acquires a unique writing and storytelling style in this story that’s why various readers form the entire world attract towards this book. He place plot, themes, characters, storylines and core ideas of this novel in an accurate manner for the sake of accelerate the interest and understanding level of his audiences.

Summary of “12 Years A Slave”

The story of “12 Years a Slave” is circle around a 33 years young man named as Northup from Saratoga New York and the story was took placed in 1841. Northup spend his life with his family in a comfortable environment. By profession he is a skillful carpenter and violins player. One day some of white men invite him to play a violins for their tour circus. He went with them without informing his family and after some times he loses sleep.

When he wakeup, he find himself in a dark cell. Then he understand that he was kidnapped by a maid trader named as James Brush. He uses to beating him and after few day he send Northup along with other kidnapped women, men and kids to New Oreland. And Norther told that his new name is Platt now. A plantation owner named as William Fort soon buy him. He is a very kind man but due to some financial crisis he sold Northup to another carpenter named as Tibeats. Tibeats is a very root and anger man. He tries many times to kill him.

One day Taibeats sell him to other man named as Edward, who often used to drank. Northup was abuse by Edward and force him to rape and abuse other servant women. Northup does not give up despite of all these dark situations but he moved forward with a better hope in his life. One day he meet a Canadian carpenter named as Samuel Bass. He promises him to help. He mail a letter to Northup’s family and then Northup’s family come to meet him. Finally Northup in 1853 released and go back to his house New York.

Writing Style

“Solomon Northup” ways of writing in his book “12 Years a Slave” is an engaging and easy to approach. He explains the themes and core ideas including family bounding’s, hard time of life, better hope and un-ethical behaviors of human being in an accurate and concise manner with the aim to uplift the interest and understanding level of his respective readers.

He defines plot, climax and opening and closing points of his story in a satisfactory manner. He is seems to be very conscious about the difficult vocabularies and unconnected slangs all-round the story. “Solomon Northup” introduces a complex but well-developed characters, they are seems to be more believe and real all-round the book.

Major Recognitions

“12 Years a Slave” had received mostly positive reviews from its audiences. This book was praised for its better explanation of slavery brutalities and injustices, in-depth explanations of Civil Rights Movements and engaging storylines. Its work was adopted by various film and dramas. This book is included in one of few bestselling books worldwide. It has been sold 30k copies since its publication and it also has been translated in to many of different languages worldwide.


“12 Years a Slave” had recieved various criticisms since its publiction. One of the most common criticism on this book is that the author only defines his points of views about slaves and servants and he did not elaborate the overall perspective of other servants. While some of the readers are question on mental and physical torchers on slaves and its impact on the mental conditions of readers. Some of other readers states that the closing point of this book is not land in a peaceful and satisfactory manner, it is without emotions.

Conclusion of “12 Years A Slave”

“12 Years a Slave” is authored by “Solomon Northup” is a biography and historical novel book that teaches a lesion including passion, importance of family bounding, move forward in the life with a better hope and never surrender despite of hard and harsh time of life. The characters of this story are well-developed and well-organized and they talks to each other in a real sense throughout the whole story. The author placed plot, themes, storylines and opening and closing points in an accurate and professional manner and his writing and storytelling style throughout the book is in satisfactory way. Therefore I recommended this book to all of those who loved to read biograph and historical novels.


Q: Is 12 Years of slave Based on a true story?

Yes, it is a based on a true story.

Q: How many Oscars did 12 Years a Slave win?

“12 Years a Slave” won three Oscars since its publication.

Q: Why was 12 Years a Slave controversial?

This story was controversial because of brutality, torture porn, horror and violence.

Q: Is 12 Years of slave disturbing?

Due to its rough language and extreme brutality you can that it is disturbing story.

Q: When did slavery start?

It was took place in 1619.

Q: When did slavery end?

It was ended in 1835.