“Permanent Record” PDF Free Download

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Books Title: “Permanent Record” PDF Free Download

“Permanent Record”, the Sunday bestselling book, exposed the US government mass surveillance program 2013. This book defines the life style of the author snowden from his childhood to job experience in a government led agency.This book has “352” total pages. It was originally published in “2019” by “Pan Macmillan”. By genre it belongs to the category of “Human Rights and freedom of speech” book.

Books Author: “Eward Snowden”

The well-known writer Eward Snowden was born in June 21, 1983 in Elizabeth city, North Carolina United State. His book “Permanent Record” has been translated into more than 20 different languages worldwide.  His most famous books are as “Permanent Record” and “young reader’s addition. He won many awards such as “Right Livelihood Award” 2014, “Sam Adam Award” 2014 and “Stuttgart Peace Prize” 2015.

Introduction to “Permanent Record”

“Permanent Record” is driven by “Eward Snowden”. The story is circle around the life style and job experience of Snowden. He was a part of US based intelligence agency. Personally he shows discomfort and disagree with one of the vast program “US Surveillance System” that used to tape and monitor the privacy of people of America and rest of the world.

So, “Eward Snowden” done a good job interms of reveal all secret activities of the government. He talks on the democratic rights of the general masses that have been violated by the government led agences and other secret organizations. The whole features of this book are defined in an accurate and broad manner that can assist the audiences worldwide.

Summary of “Permanent Record”

The book “Permanent Record” revolves around the “Edward Snowden,s” personal life. It begins with a young man who seems excited to do his best in government led intelligence agency. During his whole job he found that the government is getting into the private lives of people and always try to taking away their fundamental rights.

This book also talks on Edwards’s childhood life such as the problem he had faced and what made him work for the government. As he grow up and work for CIA and NSA, he learned a lot of things including the several government intelligence programs. The writer described that how the intelligence agencies gather the information’s and it can interfere in the freedom of innocent people.

The core idea of this book is that how the government gather information’s of the regular citizens. He also talks on how they listen phone calls, read private emails and check personal messages without knowing the people. So, this makes the people worried about their privacy being taken away. And sometimes the authorities might use their powers in a very wrong way.

Edward says that the government violate the fundamental rights of the people in a large scale. After this, Edward decided to reveal all these secret activities of government to the general public through the media. This decision of Edward change the whole scenario of this story and it is also a tough decision for him.

This book also talks about what happened with Edward after disclose the whole secret activities of government. This book looks the whole legal implications and what other countries said about it. Although, he run away from the US after all these situations for his safety. On this way, we have to think carefully about what happened when the government uses his all powers and how can it affect our democratic values.


Privacy and Personal Security

The story of the book raises a fundamental questions about the balance between privacy and national security. He explore the ethical and moral values that are violated by the government agencies.


This book fall on the reasons and effects of the reporting, snowmen’s choose to disclose the secrecy of government shows that the private life is not secure by the law enforcing agencies.

Impacts of Technology

The author express the implications of new innovations and experiments on the private life of general masses, he argue that the idea of private people should be own during surveillance and the responsible use of technology.

Government Secrecy

The book shades lights on the secrecy of government, there should be freedom given to the general masses in term of freedom of expression. Their personal lives should be secure and protect by the government at any level.

Writing Style

Snowdens way of writing in his book “Permanent Record” is lively and approachable. He makes all complex subjects into a very simple ways that the readers can easily understand and access. He defines human reactions and scientific explanations in a broad way that can assist the audiences in their lives. He elaborates various live related themes which can attract a huge number of readers worldwide.

Snowdens avoids to use extra jargons, complex analysis and complicated vocabularies with the aim to convey his messages and ideas in an easy manner. Furthermore, he let them the readers to think critically and come up with their own views about the future of this book. He also include many of real life examples and stories that the audiences can adopt in their lives.


Inside perspectives

The author of the book “Personal Record” explores the working style of all agencies that shows the inside perspective and surveillance of the world agencies and their aftershocks on public.


Permanent Record is on the time book that express the government surveillance, cybersecurity, and privacy, moral and ethical implications of technology and impact of modern technology of once personal life.


Snowden explain all the issues related to general public in an accurate and accessible manner, he does not use complex methods in his book, he talk openly and clearly along with highlights all of the cybersecurity related issues in a simple ways that result every reader can easily pick the book.



While swendan perspective is important, some of the readers critics that in this book snowden talks about his own perspective rather than general.

Limited explanations of aftershocks

This book snowdan disclose all the sensitive secrets of government but he did not explain their aftershocks and huge impacts on foreign relations, internal security and intelligence operations.

Conclusion of “Permanent Record”

The book “Personal Record” by “Eward Snowden” is outstanding book which explains the personal and professional life of the author in an accurate and detailed way. The book teachs about the ongoing surveillance operations, moral and ethical values and the huge impacts of technology on the private life of people.

The plot, climaxes and themes are placed in an approperiate manner just for the sake of boost up the interest and understanding level of all kinds of readers. The characters are complex but well-developed and well-organized and they looks like real and believed throughout the story. I recommended this book for those who are a huge fans of biography related novels.


Q: Is permanent record banned in the US?

No, it was not banned in the US.

Q: What is a temporary record?

Material which can be disposed of in a short period of time as being without value in documenting the functions of an agency.

Q: What are 2 types of record keeping?

The manual record keeping and computerized (or automated) record keeping.

Q: Who is the author of permanent record?

“Eward Snowden” is the author of this book.

Q: Is the permanent record not real?

The myth of the permanent record has been debunked.