“Story of your Life” PDF Free Download

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Books Title: “Story of your Life” PDF Free Download

“Story of your Life” is circle around the Chiangs personal life and Heptapods language. This book was originally published in 1998 by “Tor Books”. This book contains total 34 pages. By genre it belongs to the category of science fiction book.

Books Author: “Ted Chiang”

“Ted Chiang” is an American science fiction writer. He was born in 1967, Port Jefferson, New York, United States. His most popular books are “Stories of Your Life and Others”, “Exhalation: Stories” and “Tower of Babylon”.

Introduction of “Story of your Life”

The book “Story of your Life” is written by Ted Chiang. Basically this book was come out 1998. It follow Dr. Louise Banks who is really good in understanding various languages. She uses to ask and talk to strange aliens known as Heptapods. As the people desires to understand what these aliens want that why Louise works hard to figure out the difficult language of the Heptapods.

These whole situations help her to understand and discover the fundamental things about time, how we can observe things and what it means to be human. The whole aspects of this book are defined by the author in an accurate manner that can be very easy to understand and access.

Summary of “Story of your Life”

The book “Story of your Life” is circle around the Heptapods languages. This book elaborates the abilities of Louise who is really good in knowing the languages. When the unusual spaceships with seven legged aliens land in the different places then the government ask Louise to talk with them. So, in this situation Louise uses to work with physicist called Ian Donnelly.

They both are trying to knowing their language which is totally different from ours. While in our language the one word comes after the next word but the words in Heptapods language come all at once. In this amazing situation we need to know that how the aliens see and understand the world around them.

When Louise starts to learn Heptapods language there’s something very interesting happens. She begins to experiencing her present, past and future moments at once, more like they are happening together. These whole situations really effect on her personal life and she always worried about her daughter because the sad things that will happen to her in the future.

The story goes back and Louis uses to talking to the aliens, observing their language and also thinking about his own life. So, in these all situations the author Chiang rises a big question that what would be our own choices if everything is already decided. Although, the language of Haptapods goes around circle despite of straight line. It seems that everything is too much connected. What happened before, what happens now and what will happen in future are all tied together. The Heptapods ways challenges us of how things cause other things.

As Louis gets better in understanding Heptapods language and her whole experiences are not laid down in a straight lines from past to future but it looks like that everything is woven together like a huge picture. On these all circumstances she knows about love, loss and all future happenings. Furthermore, the story mixes the whole ideas about language, the tiny particles and lead characters personal life. On this way the author, Chiang try to know how the language can affect, how can we observe things and how time can change our whole experiences of life?

Writing Style

“Ted Chiang” adopts a straightforward and engaging writing style in his book “Story of Your Life” which is easy to understand and read. He defines all scientific and linguistic concepts in a broad way that can attract a huge number of readers worldwide. He also explain the detail description of Heptapods language and its impact on Louise’s thinking’s.

“Ted Chiang” prefers to use simple and concise words to balance the pace and tone of plotlines. He avoids all sort of difficult vocabularies and overly technical jargons with the aim to forward his core ideas in an easy way. He also elaborates many of real examples and stories that can be entertaining for the audiences. Although, “Ted Chiang” encourages the readers to think critically and encourage the readers to come up with their own views.

Major Recognitions

“Story of Your Life” had received mostly positive comments and reviews from its readers and critics alike. This book has been praised for its engaging writing style, in-depth plotlines and well-educated characters. While it was also venerated for its science fiction literature. This book won various awards such as The Nebula Award, Theodore Sturgeon Award and Hugo Award.

This book has been recognizes for the 100 greatest English language fiction novels of all time. Its work was adopted by films, TV Shows and many other stage dramas since its publication. Furthermore, this book has been translated into different other languages worldwide and it also has been sold over millions of copies since its publication.

Conclusion of “Story of your Life”

The book “Story of Your Life” is really a cool story how can we talk and what can it mean to be human. The author, Chiang mixes the tricky science and his personal story and this story makes us to know about how we can see the time, how things happens and how we can make different choices for our daily lives.

Basically it is not just a bout meeting with aliens but its more about how the all moments of lives are connected each other. If you are seeking for a book just like it, then don’t waste your precious time, just grab it and read what you need. This book is suitable for young adults and mature readers. I recommended this book to all of them who wants to read science fiction books.