The One Thing – PDF Free Download

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Published By publisher of ebook John Murray
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Books Title: “The one Thing” PDF Free Download

“The One Thing” is New York Best Selling Personal Development book that explaines the importance of focusing on most relevant and significant single task in private and professional life. It is originally published in “2012”, by genery it belongs to the catagory of “Personal Development” books and it is having total “339” pages.

Books Author: “Gary Keller”

Gray keller was born in July 12, 1957 in Port Washington USA. He did graduation from Baylor University Taxes. His most papular books are as: “Your First Home”, “The One Thing” and “Shift”.

Books Author: “Jay Papasan”

Jay Papasan is an American writer and businessman. He did his graduation degree from University of Texas in Psychology. His most of the famous books are as: “The Compound Effect”, “How Top Real estate Agent Tackle Though Time” and “The Power Of Reject”.

Introduction to “The one Thing”

“The one Thing” is written by “Gary Keller & Jay Papasan” revival around the importance of single goal at one time. The core theme of this book is focusing and identifying one dream, one goal and one vision at one time in a career. The authors of this book refuses the concept of failures in multitasks, they prove this idea with various examples that multitasks can be achieved if there is will power, commitment, passion and working attitude. Keller and papasan introduces a real world examples and their own experiences as well as various tools and techniques which are fruitful for all kind of readers in the ways of their personal and professional developments.

Summary of “The one Thing”

“The One Time” is a resourceful book that simplifying once personal and professional life along with the attitudes to achieve a permanent success. The authors defines the in-depth thems of to finding the most important task and utilizations of the efforts till the final successful in a simplea and precise ways. The structure of the book is begging with the sum of logical progression with the ideas of rising questions. These questions have a huge implications on once life and individuals can find these questions in the goal oriented process. Keller and papasan refuse the six lies which creates a huge hurdles and distortion in the goal achieving process. Such as many of the people are argue that multitask can’t be achieved, Gary Keller & Jay Papasan refuse this myth and they states that if multitasks are broken into a small parts and start work from most important tasks to least important task, it would be manageable and achievable. Throughout the book the authors provide a real world examples of organizations and many of renowned individuals that they had applied the principles of “The One Thing” in their goals achieving process and they successes in their business. The authors also stress about the commitments, passion, working attitude and loyalty in the goal achieving time.


Easily Approachable

One of the core strength is its clarity that it defines the most of complex and complicated principles into the simple but detailed manner. The authors conveys the core ideas in a clear and precise manner that’s why the readers easily apply them into their personal and professional lives.

Build a Strong Understanding Level

The authors elaborates the principles in a approperiate manner that how the individuals and organizations are seems to follow them.

passion and Committment

“The One Thing” depends on the power of focus that how individuals and organizations shows their strong commitments, passion and loyalty in the goal achieving process.



Whilw some of the readers are in arguments that the same ideas are seems to repeat throughout the book, that is a boring factor.


The book include both of the professional and personal lives of individuals, many of readers viewed that there is a misbalance among once personal and professional life, despite of balancing both themes, the authors shows their more rely on once professional life.



The central theme of “The One Thing” is prioritize the most importent task to get more efficient results.


This book focus on enhancing productivity and it refused the hurdles and distortions among goal achieving process.

Goal Setting

One of the important aspect of this book is goal setting. it also defines the ways about the selection of task and making strategies to achieving the desired goals.

Focus and Commitments

The authors states that without committments and passion, its imposible for any one to achive the desired goals in life.

Conclusion of “The one Thing”

“The One Thing” written by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan is a fruitful and informative book which defines the terms and conditions for achieving desired goals. The authors explaines a various of practical examples and rules along with several questions in a precise and simple ways, with the aim to convey their ideas in a precise manner. The characters and themes are complex but well-developed and looks like very active and real. “The One Thing” gives a lesson that how we can achieve our desired goals and visions and it teaches goal setting and goals achieving techniques and methods in an accurate manner. This book is very suiteable for the beginners who wants to achieve some big thing in their respective lives. I prefered this book to tham who are a big fans of Personal Development books.