“Rifts Northern Gun 2” PDF Free Download

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Books Title: “Rifts Northern Gun 2” PDF Free Download

Rifts Northern Gun 2, authored by Kevin Siembieda, is a book about a role-playing game called Rifts. It is a sequel to the original book Rifts Northern Gun. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world and the players have to fight for survival using weapons, guns and other resources. The book was published in the year 2014 by Palladium Books and it has 258 pages. It belongs to the genre of sci-fi role-playing games in the post-apocalyptic category.

Books Authors: “Kevin Siembieda”

Kevin Siembieda was born in April 2, 1956 in Detroit, Michigan of United States and he is the co-author of the book Northern Guns 2 along with Mathew Clements. He is a writer and an author who has created several role-playing games. He is the founder and owner of the prestigious Palladium Books and he also works as an editor there. The original Rifts and the sequels that follow are his most famous work and his experience as a post-apocalyptic storyteller is immense.

Introduction to “Rifts Northern Gun 2”

The book Rifts Northern Gun 2 is about a role-playing game that has a vast post-apocalyptic world. The players have to survive in a futuristic world with advanced technology and it also involves supernatural elements in it. The book provides the reader with an experience of both a sci-fi thriller and a fantasy classic.

Kevin Siembieda and Mathew Clements have written this book for the gamers and players to give them knowledge about the storyline, weapons, equipments and the organization of the Rift universe gameplay. It gives the reader a detailed and accurate description of what he/she can expect in the gameplay.

Summary of “Rifts Northern Gun 2”

The book circles around a game called Rifts Era. It is developed by a well-known company known as Northern Guns. It gives a detailed information about weapons, vehicles and technological aspects in the futuristic setup. This book provides an important message and as per its description, it has various elements in the game such as supernatural and scientific actions which means parents have to exercise a degree of care.

The northern guns corporation was founded in the initial days of Rifts era. The company is too much expert in making different top class games with amazing weaponry and gear. Over the years, it has become one of the most successful and largest companies in the world. Its games are popular among people because of its high quality and good service. The weapons that the Northern Guns makes are used by several organizations such as military, private security companies and other fighters.

Many people have a great deal of interest with this company’s guns and weapons because of its quality and designs while other collect them as a hobby. Northern Guns makes all types of guns such as short-guns, long-range rifles, rapid-firing guns and pistols. They are also famous for their knives, swords and axes. Some of the most popular guns of Northern guns include The NG-M13 assault rifle, The NG-M16 Sniper Rifle, The NG-M18 Machine Gun, The NG-M20 Short-gun and the NG-M21 Combat Knife.

This company also provides a variety of vehicles such as The NG-V13 Hover cycle, The NG-V16 Jet Pack, The NG-V18 light attack and the The NG-V20 main battle tank. Furthermore, the company also produces a variety of other equipments such as The NG-B13 power armor, The NG-B16 Robot Gladiator and the The NG-B18 Robot Hauler. The company also deals with Robodome, which is a big arena where robots fight each other until one of them is destroyed.

This game is popular among players who enjoy battle games and people pay to watch the games which makes it an earning segment for the company. They have introduced a new character called Robot Gladiator and they use all sorts of cool weapons such as lasers, plasma cannons and rocker launchers to fight.

Writing Style

The writing style of Kevin Siembieda in the book “Rifts Northern Gun 2” is simple and classic. He uses easy vocabulary and describes the storyline in an engaging way which attracts readers who enjoy the gaming genre of sci-fi and post-apocalyptic survival battles. His character development is very unique and exciting and he builds imaginary worlds based on supernatural elements, magic and other thrilling stuff.

Kevin Siembieda likes to fuse different genres together in his writing style, as he does in the “Rifts Northern Gun 2” which is a fusion of science fiction, horror and fantasy epic. His usage of simple vocabulary and great storylines makes his readers fans for life. However, he uses simple words and language to balance the pace and tone of plotlines.

Kevin Siembieda encourages the readers to think critically and allow them to come up with their own way of thoughts abou the future of this book. He avoids all sort of overly technical idioms with the aim to convey his core ideas in an easy way. Although, he placed all features of this book in an accurate manner that can attract huge number of audiences worldwide.

Major Receptions

“Rifts Northern Gun 2” is a classic from Kevin Siembieda and it has received praise from various publications and readers of gameplay from around the world. Most of the readers have showered praise for the exciting new additions of various weapons, armors, armor clothing, vehicles, war crafts and other gear in the world of Northern Gun.

The critics have also lauded the efforts of the authors for making the guidelines and graphics in the book friendly for new gamers which is a huge effort to make it more popular among young generation. Furthermore, this book hs been sold over millions of copies since its publication and it also has been translated into various other languages worldwide.


“Rifts Northern Gun 2” written by Kevin Siembieda is a sourcebook material for the Rifts game. It is engaging as well as thrilling for the gamers who enjoy post-apocalyptic and sci-fi gameplay. The sourcebook has all the information about the game which will help the players understand the new updates as well as develop new skills for the gameplay.

The character development, dialogues and the overall theme of the book is appreciated by the readers and critiques alike. If you are interesting in fiction books then dont waste your time just grab it and read alot what you want. “Rifts Northern Gun 2” can be enjoyed by readers of all genres, especially by those who like post-apocalyptic surviving games.