“As You Like It” PDF Free Download

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Books Title: “As You like It” Pdf Free Download

“As you like it” is a famous book of “William Shakespeare” and its story is about a young man named as Duck Frederick, for the sake of getting power he removed his brother from the job of ruler. This book was originally published in 1623 by “Global Grey”. By genre it belongs to the category of Romantic novel book. it consists total 87 pages.

Books Author: “William Shakespeare”

“William Shakespeare” was a famous English poet. He was born on April 26, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom. He wrote several of comedies and Historic plays. Some of his famous plays are Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and The Tempest etc. His whole plays are rely on love, loss and revenge and His characters are seem complex but well-developed and believable. He dead on April 23, 1616.


“As you like it” is written by “William Shakespeare” and its story is about a young man named as Duck Frederick who removed his brother from royals job and sent him away into a forest. This book gives us a numerous lessons such as love, struggle, family boundings and forgiveness.

The whole features of this book are defined and explained by the author in an accurate way that can stimulate a huge numbers of readers worlwide. Its core ideas and themes can inspire millions of reader and they can adopt these ideas in to real lives.


“As you like it” is revolved around a young man named as “Duke Frederick”. Duke abolished his brother named as “Duke Senior” from the ruler job and cast him along with his gang into a the forest. Duke senior’s daughter Rosalind is allowed to stay in the royal palace. Because she is a good friend of Ducks daughter Celia.

One day Orlando, Rosalind’s boyfriend release from the fancy place. Then Rosalind decided to get up of boy as named Ganymede. He run towards the forest with her best friend Celia. They enjoy a lots of adventures and events during their journry and in the forest. They meet many people including Duke Senior, his gang, a former Silvis and Phoebe.

Rosalind desires to reunite with Orlando. She begins to try his heart. On the other hand Orlando does not aware about Rosalind’s plan. He considers that he is a Ganymede. After some times he falls in love with Ganymede instate of Rosalind, actually it is a bit of romantic connection. At the same time Phoebe also shows her love with Ganymede and Rosalind become too much confused among the Orlando and Phoebe.

Then she decides to inform Orlando about her secret. She is actually Rosalind not Ganymede. She then inform to Orlando and they get marry. On the other hand Phoebe also got a marriage with Silvius and Duck change his mindset. He suddenly become a better and loyal person under the influence of Duck Senior.

Writing Style

“William Shakespeare’s” method of writing in his book “As you like it” is approachable and very easy to understand. He defines all features of this story in a simple but broad manner just with the aim to accelerate the interest and understanding level of his readers. He elaborates various in-depth and life related themes including love, struggle, scarification and friendship in a professional and an accurate ways that can attract a huge number of readers worldwide.

“William Shakespeare’s” introduces many of complex but well-organized and well-awared characters that talks each other in a real way throughout the story. He avoids irrelevant jargons and complicated vocabularies with the aim to convey his message in an easy manner. He placed plot, tone, pace, climax and opening and closing points of this story in an accurate and perfect manner. Although, “William Shakespeare’s” includes many of real examples that can inspire the audiences in their lives.

Major Receptions

“As you like it” received many of mixed feedbacks and comments from its readers since its publication. It was venerated for its core idea and naration style. Some of other readers praised its in-depth themes and plot. While some of reders accused that its ending point is not too much satisfactory which can be overwhelmed for various audiences. It has been translated in to different other languages including French, German and Spanish worldwide. It also has been sold millions of copies since its publication.


The book “As you like it” is driven by “William Shakespeare” is an interesting romantic novel that talks on love, romance, disagreements, struggle and realization in a very detailed and broad manner. This book gives us various teachings including family boundings, power of love and forgiveness. We can adopt these lessons in our daily life for a better future.

The whole aspects of this book are elaborated by the author in a satisfactory manner that can persuade a huge number of audiences with the rest of entire world. This book is suitable for all ages and all generations. I recommended this book to all of them who loved to read romantic novels.


Q: What is the main plot of As You Like It?

Love, Romance, Sexuality and Forgiveness are the main plot of this book.

Q: Is As You Like It a comedy or tragedy?

It is a comedy novel.

Q: Who does Phoebe love in As You Like It?

Ganymede probe love in As You Like It

Q: Why is As You Like It a romantic comedy?

Due to some sweet songs and melodious atmospheres, this novel is considered as romantic comedy.

Q: Why did Shakespeare write As You Like It?

Shakespeare wrote this novel for the sake of entertainment.

Q: Who are the main characters in As You Like It?

Rosalind, Orlando, Duke Senior, Duke Frederick, Celia,Touchstone, Jaques and  Oliver are the lead characters in this story.