“A Room With A View” PDF Free Download

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Published By publisher of ebook Edward Arnold
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“A Room with a View” is an interesting novel book and its story is circle around a young girl named Lucy. She went to Itlay and fall in love with a boy and then they get married. This book has total 167 pages. It was originally published in 1908 by “Edward Arnold”. By genere it is belongs to the category of “romance Novel”.

Books Author: “E M Forster”

“E M Forster” was an England writer and he was best known for his romantic and fiction novels. He was born in Jan 01. 1879 in Marylebone, London UK. He did graduation from Ton bridge, School, Kings College Cambridge. His first novel was “Where Angela Fear to Tread” and his last novel was “Maurice”. He won Benson Medal and James Black Memorial Prize. He dead in June 07, 1970.

Introduction to “A Room with a View”

“A Room with a View” is written by “E M Foster”. The story is circle around a young girl named as Lucy. One day she goes to Itlay with her cousion where she meets Georage and fall in love. This book talks on love, self-truthness and lifes ups and downs in a detailed way.

“E M Foster” explains the ideas including nature, class, love and independence which are too much related to our daily lives. The whole features of this novel is placed in an accurate manner that can stimulate inspire a huge numbers of readers. The whole core messages of this book is conveyed in a satisfactory way.

Summary of “A Room with a View”

The story is circle around a young woman named as Lucy Honey church. She went to Italy with her older cousin Charlotte. After arriving Italy, they wants to stay in a hotel rooms with an Arno River. But there only rooms are available with the view of garden. On the other hand, another guest Mr. Emerson and his son George offers there rooms to them. Charlotte finally agree to shift with Lucy to their rooms.

Lucy is a professional and talent pianist. Mrs. Beebes a professional novelist and writer also stay in the same hotel Florence Italy. She observes Lucy’s enthusiastic playing and realized that one day she would live her life with the same zeal with which she plays the piano. Throughout the trip Lucy faces many of tough events. In the Santa Croce Church, George states that his father is a very kind man but his way of talking is rute to everyone.

Mr. Emerson informs to Lucy that George needs her help to overcome his teenage depression. One day Lucy is walking in Pizza Signora with George. Suddenly, she observes the two Italian’s fight each other. She is scare and immidiately went to the hotel with George. On the way to hotel, George kissed Lucy but Lucy covers all his careless conduct.

After few days, Lucy and some other guests decided to go to top of the hill. The party is organized by Mr. Emerson. George again kiss Lucy on the way to hill. This action of George hurt’s Charlotte too much. She is a strict and strait forward woman. She did criticize on George for his unethical conduct with Lucy. Then Lucy and Charlotte return back to hotel. The next day, they travel to Room. Lucy in her house Surrey, lives with her mother Miss Honey church and her brother Freddy.

One day a middle age but respected person Mr. Cecil Vyse, sent an engagement proposal to Lucy. She accepted his proposal. But on the other side George realized that Cecil is not a perfect partner for Lucy. Lucy starts to spend his most of time with Cecil. But she did not comfortable with him. She always worry for George and she still love him. On this situations she break her engagement with Cecil. She meets again George and they decide to get married.

Writing Style

“E M Forster” is a creative writer and he adopts an easy writing style in his book “A Room with a View”. He explains life related themes including love, independence, economical status, social class and beauty of nature in a detailed ways that can attract a huge number of audiences worldwide. He defines a complex but well-developed characters that looks like real and trustful throughout the story.

“E M Forster” placed plot, storylines and opening and closing points of this novel in an accurate and satisfactory manner with the aims to covey his message in a simple and precise way. He prefers to use simple and precise language to balance the pace of the story. He also avoids to use extra jargons and complicated vocabularies throughout the book. “E M Forster” encourages the audiences for critical thinking that they can draw their own views about the future of this book.

Major Receptions

“A Room with a View” received mostly positive reviews from its readers and critics since its publication. It has been précised for its in-depth themes and well-awared characters. It draws a complete picture of nature and love life. It is regularly taugh in many educational institutions and it also has been adopted by many films and television shows.

It has been translated into 50 different languages worldwide and it also has been sold almost 01 K copies since its publication. “A Room with a View” has been featured in major publications including New York Times and The Wall Street Journals. They also showered their positive feedbacks for this book.

Conclusion of “A Room with a View”

“A Room with a View” authored by E M Forster is an interesting and heart touching book that talks on real issues such as decision making, freedom of speech and expression as well as class and race. The main idea of this novel is, we have to choose our decisions independently.

The plot, themes, background, writing and storytelling style and opening and closing points are placed in an accurate way. If you are seeking for a romantic novel, then dont wast your time, just snatch this book and read alot what you want. This novel is suitable for yound adults and mature readers. I highly recommended this book to all of them who love to read romance novels.


Q: What is the message of A Room with a View?

We have to entertain freedom in our thinking and acts in certain ways.

Q: What does Lucy learn in A Room with a View?

Lucy learn to accept the life of the body.

Q: What does art symbolize in A Room with a View?

It symbolized the “fruition” and vibrant new life.

Q: Q: Who is the most important character in A Room with a View?

Lucy Honeychurch is the main character of this novel.

Q: Is A Room with a View feminist?

Yes, this novel is raising several feminist issues.

Q: What does a room symbolize?

It symbolize that how we can present our different areas of mind.

Q: What is the genre of the room?

It is a black comedy and romance novel.