“Hard Times” PDF Free Download

341 Pages · · 978.6 MB · 300 Downloads· language English
Published By publisher of ebook Bradbury & Evans
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Books Title: “Hard Times” PDF Free Download

Hard Times is a novel book that is explains the Impacts of Industrial Revaluation along with fundamental hurdles and obstacles of working class. This book was originally published in 1854 by Bradbury & Evans. It has total 342 pages. By genre it belongs to the category of historical novel book.

Books Author: “Charles Dicken”

“Charles Dicken” is an English novelist and author. He was born in Feb, 07, 1882 in Landport, Portsmouth and died in June, 09, 1870. His most popular books are “The Christmas Carol”, “Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield” and “The Tale of two Cities”.

Introduction to “Hard Times”

“Hard Times” authored by “Charles Dicken” is an educational and informational book. It is revolved around the impacts of Industrial Revolutions on the middle and lower class workers. The author “Charles Dicken” explains and defines all the aspects and problems of working class in an accurate and approachable manner. He introduce many of life related and heart touching themes that give us a broad lesions and knowledge. He builds characters, plot and storylines in a simple and concise manner and his writing and storytelling style is engaging and creative throughout the story.

Summary of “Hard Times”

The book “Hard Times” is circle around the impact of Industrial Revolution on the respective live styles of working class and lower class. The author draws a complete picture of Coketown City, which is the hub of mills and various factories. Many lower class families are associated with these mills and factories as a workers. The people of Coketown City are very poor and they spend their lives in a harsh and an unpleasant conditions.

The story of this novel begins with the specific thoughts of Thomas Grandgrind. Who is a wealthy and sound businessman. He gives value to the truth and practical things rather than imagination and creativity. And he believes that everyone must be educated and must develop sound ideas and in-depth thoughts. On this way, he educate his own kids “Louis” and “Tom” through his own principles. Both Louis and Tom are intelligent and capable but they are emotionally challenged.

Louis got married off with a wealthy but harsh businessman named Josiah Bounderby. While Tom is a selfish and dishonest young boy. This novel is having many other characters such as Stephen, a good and sober man, but he does not have money and his life enter in a worse condition when he is blamed for stealing something. Rachael is another sweet and decent women in this story. She loves Stephen and try to help him but she is also not quite financially sound.

Sissy is an intelligent and caring woman. Due to his creativity, she seems different from rather residents of Coketown City. And she is ultimately owned by Geadgrinds. The climax of this story is begins with the dead of Stephen during a manufacturing process. This unpleasant situation all workers of factory got anger and they began a strike. After some time their strike goes down but it imposed a huge financial impact on the lives of all workers. The story of “Hard Times” moved forward and Louisa leaves her husband and she learned and appreciate the importance of imagination and emotions.

Impacts of Industrial Revaluation

The industrial Revolutions has both positive and negative impacts on the lives of workers. After Industrialization, the market of ancients hand made products goes down along with traditional way of work. This results, a huge numbers of workers lost their jobs. They faced unemployment situations becauase the factory and mill owners closed their work for ever.

On the other hand Industrial Revolution introduced many modern and latest techniques to Mills and Factories. These facilities generates a huge number of working opportunities for peoples. Furthermore one of the common negative impacts of Industrial Revolution is pollution, such as air and water pollution. It effects and makes poluted most of the modern and attractive cities of England and other countries.

Dickens is very concern about, how poor people can spend their lives in this fast growing Industrial Relational period. After all he gives many of suggestion such as sub ordinates are paid on the equal basis of their working hours. The behaviors of the owners should be polite and reliable with their respective sub-Ordinates.

Writing Style

“Charles Dickens” ways of writing in his book “Hard Times” is easy to understand and approach. He explains and defines all aspects of industrial revolutions including its impacts and problems faced by working class in a simple and concise manner. He elaborates in-depth and life related themes in a simple but detailed sentences for the sake of attract mare readers towards this book. He uses small and simple sentences to balance the pace and tone of this stoty.

“Charles Dickens” avoids to utilize complex vocabularies and irrelevant jargons throughout this story. He elaborates the complex but well-developed characters that are looking real and talking with each other’s with trust. He includes various real stories and examples with the aim to boost the interest and understanding level of all kind of audiences. He placed plot, climax, storylines and opening and closing points in a professional manner that can inspire a huge numbers of readers with the rest of entire world.

Major Receptions

The book “Hard Times” received generally positive comments from its audiences since its publication. This book was praised for its in-depth and life related themes including broad presentation of lower class workers, both positive and negative impacts of industrial revolution and explanation of various ways to deal workers in a pleasant way. Many of audiences praised its well-developed plots, engaging writing style, emotional climaxes and real examples and stories. It has been sold over 250k copies since its publication and it also has been translated into various different languages worldwide.

Conclusion of “Hard Times”

“Hard Times” is authored by “Charles Dicken” is an amazing and catchy novel that teaches us about the positive and negative impacts of Industrial Revolution along with the conditions of working class. The author “Charles Dicken” explains every aspects of this story in simple but detailed manner. The book gives us a knowledge of pro and after Industrial Relation implications such as its positive and negative impacts on middle and lower class.

The plot, tone, pace, core ideas, storylines, opening and closing points of this story is placed in a satisfactory manner which can build the interest and understanding level of all readers.This book is suitable for mature and adult readers. I highly recommended this book to all of them who are interested in historical novel books.


Q: What is the idea of the Hard Times?

The book “Hard Times” elaborates the ideas including the power of transformation, the danger of inequality and the possible effects of industrialization.

Q: Is Hard Times a good read?

Whether or not, it depends on one’s preference and expectations.

Q: What does Hard Times focus on?

“Hard Times” focus on the difference among poor and rich and owners and workers.

Q: Is Hard Times a short story?

Yes, Hard Times is a short story novel.

Q: Who are the characters in hard times?

Gradgrind, Louisa Gradgrind, Thomas Gradgrind, Jr. (Tom), Josiah Bounderby, Cecilia (Sissy) Jupe, Stephen Blackpool, Rachael, James Harthouse  and Mr. Sleary are the characters of “Hard Times”.