“Ps I Love You” PDF Free Download

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Books Title: “Ps, I Love You” PDF Free Download

“Ps, I Love You” is an engaging and heart touching novel . Its story is about a couples named as Gerry and Holly. They both are love each other’s and spend their time in a peaceful manners. But the sudden dead of Gerry due to brain tumor change the whole scenario of their lives. This book is originally published in “2004” by “Hachette Books”. It has total “334” pages. By genre it belongs to the category of “Romantic Novel” book.

Books Author: “Cecelia Ahern”

“Cecelia Ahern” is an Irish novelist. She was born in Sep, 30, 1981 in Dublin Ireland. She studied journalism and Media and Communication from Griffith College Dublin. She won Irish Award for best popular Fiction Novel of 2004 and German Romantic Novel of the year’s Award 2006. Her first novel was “Ps, I Love You” and her last novel was “A Thousand Different Ways” published in 2021.

Introduction to “Ps, I Love You”

“Ps, I Love You” written by “Cecelia Ahern” is an interesting novel book and its story is revolved around the romantic couples named as Gerry and Holly, who wants to spend their lives forever. But unfortunately Grey passed away due to brain tumor. “Cecelia Ahern” defines all the necessary features in a professional manner for the sake of covey his message to the readers in an easy way. The characters, climaxes, storylines, tone, pace and core ideas are placed by the author in an accurate and detailed manner that can attracts a lot readers towards this book. The whole story is based on various in-depth lessions and fruitful ideas that can inspire the readers.

Summary of “Ps, I Love You”

The story of “Ps, I Love You” is circle around the romantic couples named as Holly and Gerry. They both were meet in their college and immediately got in love. They continue their romantic relation for many years. One day, they decide to marry. After marriage, they starts their new journey of lives in Dublin. They have a son named as Michael. He is very intelligent and loving boy.

By profession Gerry is a teacher while Holly is a nurse. They both have an excellent career. They spent their respective lives in a comfortable manner with lots of joys. They use to live most of their time with friends and family members. They use to go for long trips and watching movies together. Unfortunately one day of winter, Gerry is fall in headache and unbearable continuous pain.

He, then decide to consult with doctor. The doctor says that he is suffering from a brain tumor. But he can try radiation that can decrease it. After this event, Gerry is to much concern about his health but holly takes care of him with his medicine. She encourages that he will get well soon. After the process of radiation the tumor seems to be decrease but suddenly it grows again.

He feels huge pain in his whole body especially on his head on every day. He spents his days and nights with a Harish pain. On the other hand Holly understood that he will left her soon. She uses to spend his most of time with Gerry. They use to talks about their love life, about their memories as well as about their future plans. One night, suddenly Gerry is passed away. These moments gives more pain to Holly and his son Michael.

Holly thoughs that Gerry is always be in her heart and she talks to her son that she is here for him. After this Harish and unpredictable situation her family members and friends comes to support her emotionally and morally. She realized the meaning of life and understand that to desire for a huge goals and dreams are valueless. Because life is a very short period of time. And she states that it is possible for everyone to come out from the dark and unpleasant situations and find happiness again.

Writing Style

“Cecelia Ahern” ways of writing in her book “Ps, I Love You” is very easy to approach and understand. She elaborates all features of this story in a concise and simple but more detailed manner. She introduces a believed and well-informed characters that talks each other in a real way with the rest of the story. “Cecelia Ahern” defines life related themes and emotional climaxes in an accurate manner with the aim to accelerate the interest and understanding level of her audiences.

She uses to avoid irrelevant and extra jargons along with complex and complicated vocabularies throughout the story. She uses simple and concise language to balance the plot of this story. “Cecelia Ahern” placed plot, climax, storylines and opening and closing points in a professional way that can attract more readers worldwide. She also includes various life related examples and stories to provide such sort of entertainment to the readers.

Major Reception of “Ps, I Love You”

The novel “Ps, I Love you” has a mix critical receptions since its publication. One of the most common positive critics on this novel is that its in-depth themes are more impressive and meaningful. While some other critics found that the writing style and storylines are explained by its author in an accurate and perfect manner that can boost the interest and understanding level of all kinds of the readers.

Some of other readers argued that it is too simple to predict its next happening and events while some of other audiences are saying that the characters are not too much complicated. They are seems too much simple with the rest of whole story. It has been translated in to 25 different languages worldwide and it also has been sold 30 million coppies since its publication.


The book “Ps, I Love You” authored by “Cecelia Ahern” is a catchy and heart touching novel that gives us a lessions including the powers of love, family bounding and finding joys despite of tough situations. The writing and storytelling style throughout the story is amazing and easy to understand and approach. The major themes of the story such as, love, passion, family and friends support along with meaning of real life acan inspire all kinds of readers. The plot, tone, pace, characters and core idea of this story is thought provoking. This book is suitable for mature and adult readers. I put forward this book to all of them who love to read romantic novels.


Q: Who is the male lead in P.S. I Love You?

Gerard Butler is the main lead in P.S I Love You.

Q: What is the movie P.S. I Love You based on?

It starts with the Cecelia Ahern novel of the same name.

Q: Why is P.S  I Love you so sad?

Because Holly lost her husband in this story.

Q: Is P.S. I Love You a book series?

Yes it is a book serious.

Q: Who plays the dead husband in P.S. I Love You?

Gerard Butler plays the dead husband in this story.

Q: Why is P.S. I Still Love You a good book?

It is popular because of its in-depth and life related themes.

Q: Who is the dedication at the end of P.S. I Love You?

Windland Smith Rice is the dedication at the end of this story.

Q: What is the full form of P.S. I Love You?

Its full form is “Post Script” I Love You.

Q: How many books are in the PS I Love You series?

There are 2 book in P.S I Love You.

Q: s P.S. I Love You based in Ireland?

The lead character Holly meets with her husband Gerry in Ireland.

Q: Who wrote P.S. I Like You?

Cecelia Ahern wrote this story.

Q: What bar was used in P.S. I Love You?

Whelan’s Pub  was used in P.S I Love You.